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NSGP Threat, Vulnerability & Risk Assessment (TVRA) Tool


SCN’s NSGP Threat, Vulnerability & Risk Assessment (TVRA) Tool was developed in response to a recognized need in the Jewish community to have a simple, security-minded tool that any Jewish organization could utilize to ascertain a baseline security level for their facility. This easy-to-follow tool should help an organization understand its overall security posture, identify potential vulnerabilities, and then, with the assistance of a security professional, make appropriate security-based recommendations to mitigate those vulnerabilities within the confines of the NSGP grant process.  The assessment included in an organization’s NSGP application must be completed within 36 months prior to the NSGP grant application date.
The TVRA is expressly designed to assist those organizations that do not have a security director, or reasonable access to one, in order to have a security assessment performed on their facility. It is not a replacement for a comprehensive security assessment.

The completion of the SCN NSGP TVRA is the first of three steps designed to provide Jewish organizations and faith-based community partners with an assessment to assist them in their application for NSGP.



Step One

The TVRA is designed to flow from outside/in, following standard physical security practices. This means that the person completing the form simply follows the questions in the order presented in the form and answers the questions accordingly. This will result in an overall score that will tell the organization whether that section’s vulnerability level is either low, medium, or high with regard to its facility. This continues throughout the document until the last section is completed. Upon completion of the last section – NOTHING FURTHER NEEDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE USER.


Step Two

  • Open your downloaded tool in Adobe Acrobat and complete the TVRA by mirroring the answers reflected in the printed and completed TVRA from the onsite assessment. For the tool to function properly, you must open and complete the TVRA in Adobe Acrobat. DO NOT FILL OUT THE RECOMMENDATIONS SECTION – this will be completed through a consultation with an SCN security professional, a Jewish Community Security Director, or a Regional Security Advisor in Step Three.


  • Send the TVRA as an attachment in an email requesting an NSGP Consult to Within your email identify:
    • Organization legal name (as reflected in the 501(c)3 documents)
    • Your name and title
    • Address
    • Your contact information
      • Email & phone


Step Three

SCN will determine if your facility is in the catchment area of an existing Community Security Program or Regional Security Program. If so, your request will be forwarded to the appropriate security professional for follow-up or assistance. For those organizations and facilities that fall outside of an existing program catchment area, SCN will contact you to schedule your NSGP assessment consultation. 
During your consultation, the SCN security professional will review your TVRA with you and explain the mitigation recommendation process, including understanding and prioritizing the recommendations in your TVRA.
Please note that assessment consultations are on a first-come, first-served basis and are limited in number. While SCN will work to accommodate the requests received, we will do our best to inform organizations if we cannot fulfill their request, we will not be able to support every organization given the current deadlines and time available.


Threat, Vulnerability & Risk Assessment (TVRA) Tool

Adobe Acrobat is required to complete the TVRA Tool. Download Adobe Acrobat here.